Depreciation Schedule

Comprehensive Schedules to Maximize Your Depreciation Claim

Residential investment properties can generate substantial tax deductions for investors. Some of the largest deductions are for capital allowance and depreciation. The ATO allows property investors to claim tax deductions on their residential and commercial investment properties by using a tax depreciation schedule. Unlike other deductions where you must have incurred an expense during the year, with a tax depreciation schedule you can make deductions for capital allowance and depreciation on your property, over the life of the asset.
For Brand New Homes
Claimable construction costs which are still at the beginning of their effective life. Claim depreciation on both the building and all of the included assets in their investment property.
For Established Homes
Fantastic deductions available for investor owners due to the 40 year effective life of construction. This may include improvements and additional works and assets added over time.
For older houses and units
A key consideration with established properties is the timing of the purchase. Claims on depreciation of the second-hand assets acquired at purchase may be possible.

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